Thursday, January 7, 2010

Chunk#3 : Outliers(:

Malcom Gladwell's last chunk of his book, concludes his personal reflections about Outliers. Throughout the book Malcom Gladwell gave the audience a good notion of what Outliers meant. In this last chunk, Gladwell also states that even "genius" need a hand under different situations in order to be successful and conquer their goals. Malcom Gladwell, explains the situations of Asians and how they seem to be successful, and accomplish their goals. Gladwell mentions that Asians are instructed before Americans. He also asserts that families who suffer poverty are the ones who suffer consequences because they do not have the money to take extra courses, during their education. They sometimes have to quit school due to their situations. Gladwell states all of this information in the last chunk of his text.

Clarification Question: What factors contribute for the success behind Asians?

Application Question: How do Asian stereotypes affect the way other cultures view them?


  1. Asian sterotypes make other cultures view them as "brainiacks", geeks in math and science and over achievers. These sterotypes come from the simple fact that most asians are very intelligent because of all the hardwork and effort they put in to be so.

  2. An Asians success comes from the mere fact that they are hard working people who continuously study and attempt to learn beyond their expectations just to be the best there is.

    Asian stereotypes make other cultures believe that they are merely born smart and this is an ignorant thought because I doubt that anyone was born knowing all the lessons in an Algebra or Calculus book. They are intelligent because they work hard and study consistantly in order to be intelligent.

  3. Asians aren't born smart and we aren't destined to be successful. As Gladwell stated, asians gain their knowledge through hard work and discipline.
    The typical asian stereotype is that all asians are smart. Students of another culture might see and and asian student and think that he's a calculus wiz.
